Padget Company Sector 63 Noida

*भर्ती है  Padget Company PVT LTD NOIDA Sector 63 मोबाइल📱📱 कंपनी में*


Total post 200 (Free Job)


🧒🧔18 to 40 age (Only Boys)


*Fresher & Experience  Both Apply* candidate*


*Department — Production Smt,QA, Store

Qualification- 10th,12th, graduation ITI



*10th,12th, Gradution.-10701*👉 OT 90

*ITI — 11713👉👉 OT 99*


Attendance award —- 1000 Rs

15Night award —- 500Rs

Over time double ✌️✌️ (रोज 2-3घंटे)

Canteen —- (Khana)free🥘🥘🥘


*Job Location near-👉 maitro station 62 🚉🚆 Noida*


*Interview date– 24/02/2025*

*Interview time – 8:30*🕣🕣


*DEEPAK SIR–9696636662*🤙🤙


*Call ना उठाने पर अपना Resume+documents मेरे पर whatsapp करे*

👉 *आप अपने डॉक्यूमेंट किसी भी फर्जी लोगो को ना दे* ☠️☠️ ,,,( गेट पर आकार कॉल जरूर करे)📞


*दस्तावेज- -2फोटो,आधार कार्ड;बैंकपासबुक  (10th,12th Graduation या ITI )


Hello friends, my name is Mohit, I am the Writer and Team Member of this Portal and share all the information related to Private Jobs through this website.🔁

दूसरी जॉब देखें