Mobile Engineer Job L2,L3. Sector 63 Noida 1️⃣7️⃣ January

 *Note : पहले पूरा पड़े फिर कॉल करें*

*Interview today*

*we have urgent vacancy for Mobile Engineer*

*-Profile -Mobile Engineer:-L2/L3*

*Location-Noida Sector-63 Only*

*Male and female*

 *Salary -16,000 to *25,000 in* *hand +Pf+Esic*

काम👉जो मोबाइल रिपेयरिंग और माइक जैक डिस्प्ले IC ये सब लगा ले





Hello friends, my name is Mohit, I am the Writer and Team Member of this Portal and share all the information related to Private Jobs through this website.🔁
