*Urjent hiring For Sona BLW Gurgaon*
Job Role:- NAPS Trainee (Teamlease)*
*जिसमे PF नही कटता है* 🤗🤗🤗🥳
Diploma Mechanical paasing Year 20,21,22,23,only
*ITI& Graduate* -*Fitter,Machinist,Turner,Welder,RAC,Mechanic,Mechanic Tractor, ye Trade liye jayenge ITI mai*
*Diploma Salary (Mechanical only)16500 In Hand*
*ITI Fix Salary – 14500 inhand*
*8 Hours Job+120 per hours ot+ 50 per night announced*
Canteen Yes
Age Should be 18 to 25 years
Address : Sona Enclave, Village Begumpur Khatola, Sector 35, Post box no. 90, Gurugram 122 004, Haryana, INDIA. https://maps.app.goo.gl/QvE8ksCUnme5simH9
Call-Vimal- 9015544449
Interview 29-01-2024 Hai है जिसको interview देना है वो Resume WhatsApp kare-9015544449