Feng Hua New Energy Company Maintenance Engineer Job in Manesar Gurgaon

Urgent Requirement


*Male candidates apply*


*2:- Maintenance Engineer*


*Qualification:-B.tech, Diploma ITI*


*Experience:-2-3 years Compalsary Any Electronic Company*


*Salary:-15000CTC To 18000CTC+ Dauble overtime+1000 Attendance Award+ After 3 month 2000 incentive*


*Interview Date:-26/12/2024 To 30/12/2024*


*Interview Timing 10 o’clock*


*Address -Feng Hua New Energy Pvt Ltd plot number 316 sector 7 IMT Manesar Gurgaon*


Mobile 📲 8527829523(Vinay Kumar)


Hello friends, my name is Mohit, I am the Writer and Team Member of this Portal and share all the information related to Private Jobs through this website.🔁

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